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Training for SFC Regulated Firms

Updated: Sep 25

A timely reminder to look at the state of your Continuous Professional Training records for this year. Looking back to see what you can include and looking forward to what you need will be the best course of action, then making sure that you can fit in training before the end of the year.

SFC CPT Requirements reminder here.

Cognitive GRC Courses host on Inflection Point Intelligence site here. (AML/Market Misconduct/SFC Refresher/Climate 101 with RedLinks]

Cognitive GRC has updated our online Anti-Money Laundering Training and the basic introduction one is now available in Mandarin.

Bundles of Clean Money

We updated the basic one to consider some of the more operative changes to AML guidance applicable to banks, licenced intermediaries, and virtual asset service providers that have subtly percolated into expectations over the last 5 years. Successive changes were starting to confuse so we wanted to bring it together for a broader understanding.

We have partnered up with Inflection Point Intelligence Practical Financial Education | IPI | Inflection Point Intelligence ( to offer online training to firms via their platform and our standard programme includes online training in SFC Refresher, Anti-Money Laundering and Insider Trading. We will be adding content on Anti-Bribery and Market Manipulation in the near future to broaden the range.

We have also co-authored/produced some quality climate relevant training for managers and advisers with the Redlinks consortium. Our Climate 101 for Managers and Analysts 🍃 - CGRC+Redlinks ( training is designed to give those charged with research and decision making some direction on what they need to do with the information that is being/will be produced under the newly agreed standards for disclosure by listed companies. We recommend that firms consider re-iterating the concepts with the investment teams as the data improves.

Firms may also consider sone of the more fundamental training courses that are available from IPI. They have produced some more comprehensive training programmes or learning pathways delivered by respected industry participants that you should all know and the courses are available as a package and or on an individual basis.

There are three core programmes, with multiple modules delivered by leading practitioners in their space with a view to improving the quality of training programmes by facilitating delivery by current experts. As such they have curated a diverse set of content including

  • Henley Hedge Fund Course

  • Private Equity Learning Pathway

  • Family Office

We helped produce the Compliance Course for the Hedge Fund Course and recently helped produce the Compliance and Governance Course as part of the IPI Private Equity Learning Pathway. The course is part of a series of 12 units which provide a holistic understanding of how a Private Equity fund works. Topics range from Deal Valuation to Compliance, from Fund Structuring to Managing Portfolio Risk, along with other topics such as Capital Raising, Business Management and Responsible Investing delivered by experienced industry practitioners.

The Compliance and Governance part covers:

  • Fund Governance Defined

  • Development of Regulation in Private Equity

  • Compliance and Risk Management in Practice

  • ESG Considerations

  • Managing Fund boards

PE and Property Firms may be interested in looking at the full 14 module course as a whole or even maybe some of them. PE Learning Pathway - Governance & Compliance - IPI Catalog ( is available on a stand-alone basis for a very reasonable cost.

Emergent Insight on Climate and Sustainability which arose as part of the production process

What we like about producing content and delivering training is that apart from imparting our knowledge, we often find that working out how to simply explain complex matters results in considering old concepts in new ways and this often results in insight. As part of our preparation for the PE/VC Compliance and Governance training, we explored the various levels of climate obligations that exist at different levels of the market ecosystem. This diagram was generated to explain that climate and sustainability have different focus at different stages of investment.

Structure of different capital markets

We took a look at how Climate and Greentech incentivisation changes as we move up through the investment ecosystem starting within Venture Capital where projects are considered and feeding up into Public Markets where outcomes become more the focus. We have found that the market tends to focus on their own ecosystem while the focus and expectations change as the investments transition from Venture to Private to Exit.

A lot of the more matured process coming from Venture Capital/Private Equity space (where government green incentivisation has been easier to manage to implement and take advantage of given all the investment incentivisation), while global standards are finally starting to solidify for listed firms in actionable international standards, that will allow smaller firms adopt appropriate Compliance processes in this regard.

IPI host a number of courses that we have been involved in developing and may be useful for persons looking for training. You can refer to the details on IPI Catalog ( where you can purchase courses direct or contact us directly for a group rate.

In addition to been informative and insightful, your compliance team may consider them appropriate for CPT. Cognitive GRC can also help set up your own LMS course catalog if that is something that you are interested in. We can cater for small or large firm needs.

We believe that to be effective, training should be more than a tick box exercise. We want firms to crush boxes when it comes to knowledge training as it is the most effective way to reduce operational pain. Going through the motions of training without knowledge absorption is the worst kind of training but unfortunately the vast majority of training is designed to tick a box rather than resolve the knowledge part which is why we are seeing so many fines. Training is a key part of a sound controls environment, but budgets are being wasted in the name of cost savings to tick boxes and waste peoples time rather than achieve a necessary objective of knowledge absorption. In fact, we note that in the first few years of working with clients, we engage in a reasonable amount of unstructured training on all aspects of Compliance and Governance other than the CPT eligible content that we produce. Cognitive by name.

Please find summary content here on AML, SFC Refresher and Insider Trading.

Reach out here if you are interested in building out true effective training for regulated firms.

Check out our online catalog here which you can access directly.

Compliance Officers may consider this training as part of their firms overall training strategy. Licensed Individuals should check in with Compliance or HR to confirm whether they would consider the training appropriate for their programme before acquisition.

Contact us if you are interested in discussion your needs.


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